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Monday, March 17, 2025

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Tagged with: Phones

Onstage: Roaring through life with ‘Eva’

ONSTAGE When Eva Malloy (Julia McNeal) muses "It’s a lifelong journey, isn't it, shaking off a Catholic childhood?" a knowing chuckle ripples through the...

Cell-phone companies try to ram through bill blocking local control of transmitters

The state Senate has a had a bumper-crop year for bills to help developers, landlords, and corporate interests – and to undermine the ability...

Resistance Party! Ultimate Pride Guide 2017

ULTIMATE PRIDE GUIDE 2017 Pride started as a celebration of a protest, how cool is that? And watching SF Pride (Sun/25) progress from its raucous roots,...

How we can tax Uber

Pretty much everyone in San Francisco these days (except for Mayor Ed Lee) has come to the conclusion that Uber is a problem. Progressives,...

Party Radar: Without Borders

PARTY RADAR Young people often ask me, an Ancient One, if living under Trump is what it felt like living under Bush. That's a...

What we saw at Sundance 2017: Narratives

The 33rd Annual Sundance Film Festival took place during the snowiest winter of the past 10 years in Park erity, Utah. Even trudging through...

What the police won’t tell you about the Amilcar Lopez killing

San Francisco District Attorney George Gascon says he’s about to announce his long-awaited decision about whether to charge the officers who killed Amilcar Perez...

655 Tubesteak Connections — and still growing!

PARTY RADAR That disco music has been the recent historical music of oppressed people of color and queers is a cliche -- but that doesn't...

Cops, tasers, pepper spray and prayer: A Standing Rock diary

October 29 Two days ago, more than 300 police from five states violently cracked down on a newly formed frontline camp that was set up...