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Friday, March 14, 2025

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Tagged with: Poor

The Agenda, March 13-19: The next big housing battle

Two competing plans for affordable housing come before the Planning Commission Thursday/16, and they reflect the new politics of the Board of Supes and...

The Agenda, March 6-12: The next front in the anti-Trump resistance

The looming train wreck that is the San Francisco budget will start to take shape this week when the supes Budget and Finance Committee...

Alternative facts and the mayor’s housing plan

Mayor Ed Lee two weeks ago launched a new effort to bring about "affordable" housing opportunities for San Franciscans by proposing, as he did...

The Agenda, Feb. 26-March 5: What’s still wild in SF …

Glen Canyon Park is one of my favorite places in the city. It’s right in the middle of the third-densest urban area in the...

Racism — and politics — in SF Redevelopment history

Bad history -- even when well-intended -- gives me a headache, because it so often misses and conceals far more important truths. To wit,...

What we saw at Sundance 2017: Documentaries

The 33rd Annual Sundance Film Festival took place during the snowiest winter of the past 10 years in Park City, Utah. Even with a...

The agenda: What’s ‘divisive’?

I keep hearing the same song from one side of San Francisco’s Democratic Party, and it goes like this: We are all Democrats here, and...

Lit: A reluctant sleuth searches for the heart of SF

LIT A reluctant sleuth who can’t keep his shoelaces tied as he probes the streets of San Francisco, Bill Haywood is a reporter for...

Defending us from Trumpism? Jerry Brown is no help

At the heart of the appeal of Trump's successful campaign message was (is) the accusation that the leadership of the Democratic party was (is)...

‘I want to be humble, but I want to be fierce’

ONSTAGE "I certainly don't mean to talk your ear off," Bill T. Jones, one of the legends of contemporary dance and queer culture, says...