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Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Tagged with: Rafael Mandelman

Supes panel moves to keep SIP hotels open

With Mandelman in dissent, Budget Committee approves measure to block the Mayor's Office from shutting down successful homeless program.

Supervisors vote to ban smoking tobacco in apartments—but spare cannabis

Sup. Mandelman’s amendment saves SF from what for many, could have amounted to a ban on smokable marijuana.

Stop the ban on smoking weed!

Doesn't City Hall have better things to do then send law enforcement after people who light up in their own homes?

If SF bans smoking weed in your apartment, where could you get high?

Bill would criminalize pot smoking for a large part of the city's population.

Supes, service providers stunned at mayor’s plan to close homeless hotels

Hearing shows that there is no financial reason to kick people out of hotel rooms, and no place for them to go.

Labor celebrates Biden win …

... but activists worry about his priorities.

OPINION: What a protest looks like without police

At a DSA march, community activists cleared the streets and provided medical attention.

How did the Ocean Beach party happen—and can we prevent another incident?

Why didn't the police shut things down earlier? Sup. Stefani wants criminal investigation; Sup. Mandelman worries about Halloween

Board committee approves budget deal that clashes with mayor’s proposal

The Board of Supes is heading for a potential showdown with the mayor over more than $100 million in changes to her proposed two-year...

Supes committee votes to slash police budget by $30 million

The Board of Supes Budget and Appropriations Committee has approved roughly $30 million in additional cuts to the police budget – less than some...