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Sunday, January 12, 2025

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Tagged with: Sanders

Oakland moms make national statement with housing victory

In a huge victory that may change the way Oakland (and other cities) looks at vacant housing, homeless mothers who took over an empty...

DA Chesa Boudin sworn in with promises of dramatic reform

A reformer who has promised to shake up the broken criminal justice system was sworn into office Thursday, with a promise to end cash...

Sorting out the California presidential primary

The March 3 primary in California matters; it could be a big day for the Democratic presidential candidates. But there are a lot of...

Foreign Correspondent: What’s next for Bolivia after military coup?

In 2005, I sat in a lounge off the Senate chamber in La Paz, Bolivia, waiting for an interview. I was wearing my best...

Talking beat evolution with SF native producer Dave Aju

For years, Marc Barrite built out his Dave Aju alias, a wordplay nom de plum for a San Francisco techno night in the early...

As the fires rage and the blackouts continue, Newsom ducks

Gov. Gavin Newsom is sounding all harsh and tough toward PG&E as Northern California burns out of control again and the blackouts continue. At a...

How the NY Times bungled coverage of the Warren/Sanders tax plans

I read The New York Times every day. I know people who have worked for the paper, and most of them are experienced professionals...

Sanders comes to SF to talk about ending student debt

Sen. Bernie Sanders held a town hall in San Francisco on Friday to discuss one of his campaign’s major promises: canceling student debt. An excited...

Juul fails in effort to change ballot language

Juul failed today in its effort to get the city to change substantially the language that will describe the company’s initiative in the November...

Juul challenges key ballot language on overturning e-cig ban

A relatively obscure city committee will make what some say is a crucial decision tomorrow on a ballot measure that would overturn the city’s...