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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

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Tagged with: Sex Work

Supes want to crack down on massage businesses

The Board of Supes Land Use Committee approved stricter rules for massage establishments despite opposition from both therapeutic massage businesses and sex-worker advocates who...

Sex workers organize national anti-SESTA/FOSTA protests Saturday

It's been three months since the passage of SESTA/FOSTA, the new law purportedly intended to curb sex-trafficking, which makes website owners liable for any...

Appeals court considers challenge to prostitution laws

On Oct. 19, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments in a case aimed at overturning California’s anti-prostitution laws. It will be...

Tremble, fair reader, before the mighty Litquake!

Litquake -- the annual, gargantuan local literary festival (October 6-14) -- is turning 18 this year. And it's ready to rumble right out of...

Will the courts legalize sex work?

A sex-worker advocacy group has filed what could be a dramatic precedent-setting appeal in federal court, seeking a ruling that would overturn the laws...

The real-estate sleaze reaches high tide in the DCCC race

The sleaze coming out of the real-estate industry has reached astonishing levels in the past couple of days, with Big Tech and the Association...

Dem Party Chair Mary Jung’s sex-work hypocrisy

Truth is a pretty fungible commodity during election season, and we all give candidates a little slack. But an oped in today’s Examiner by...

Some Mother’s Daughter: Fighting the criminalization of sex workers

Imagine a woman goes missing and no one looks for her. There’s no inquiry, no need for forensics, and no further investigation required. In...

Move to overturn prostitution laws advances, for now

A federal judge has asked for additional briefings on a case that raises a profound question – are the laws against prostitution unconstitutional? –...

Homeland Security: The new morals police?

Are we going back to the days when the cops raided queer clubs and harassed street queens? by Tommi Avicolli Mecca AUGSUST 31, 2015 -- “What...