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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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Tagged with: SFBARF

Does Scott Wiener understand the basics of the housing market?

Based in his recent comments, apparently not.

Facebook’s housing echo chamber

Zuckerberg money funds news outlets that repeat Zuckerberg group's supply-side position on the housing crisis.

Little-known Yimby-developer bills will have big impact on local planning

Of the fifteen bills in the “housing package” signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown on September 29, the one that got the most...

Inside the Yimby conference

Last weekend about 120 attendees from 17 cities gathered in downtown Oakland for the Yimbytown 2017 conference. Organized by East Bay Forward, the event...

Would a simple tax create 30,000 new housing units in SF?

Let us stipulate for a moment that there are reasonable people who have rational disagreements about some local policy issues. We can also agree...

YIMBYs, Smart Growth — and unanswered questions

On February 1 I flew to St. Louis for the  New Partners for Smart Growth conference, the largest gathering dedicated to dense, transit-oriented/walkable/bikeable development...

The Agenda, Feb 21-26: More Mission displacement ….

The luxury-housing assault on the Mission continues this week as the Planning Commission decides Thursday/23 whether to allow a developer to demolish an auto...

The SF election: What happened?

 The 2016 election may well be a turning point in our national and local politics. The problem is that it’s unclear what direction the...

Developer allies again try to take over Sierra Club

For years, the San Francisco chapter of the Sierra Club has been part of a progressive environmental movement. The Club has worked on clean...

Dramatic vote could slow Mission development

A remarkable, stunning vote happened at the Board of Supes Tuesday: By a 9-0 margin, the members agreed that a big market-rate housing project...