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Sunday, March 9, 2025

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Tagged with: Tech

Sweater Funk’s finest: DāM-FunK’s latest hints at breakbeat expansions to come

The producer—who took early steps towards greatness in a Chinatown basement—delivers a simple and poignant mantra with 'Atmosphere III.'

Facebook’s housing echo chamber

Zuckerberg money funds news outlets that repeat Zuckerberg group's supply-side position on the housing crisis.

Screen Grabs: Women electronica innovators to Sesame Street, new docs take on legends

Our critic's take on this week's batch of documentaries that bring back the heyday of Tiny Tim, and the emotional educational prowess of Big Bird.

Screen Grabs: Films for a fragile planet, from Puerto Rico to Mars

Livable Planet fest opens with excellent Landfall, more. Plus: 8 Billion Angels, Occupy the Farm, Gunda, Malni

Letter to the Editor: ‘I have so many questions’ about nightlife after COVID

SF culture took a massive hit pre-pandemic, a reader writes. Can we let history guide us to better times?

There’s a lot more to the GG Park debate than cars v. bikes

This is part of a huge discussion the city needs to have about transportation -- and equity -- in a post-COVID world.

How To Reopen Nightlife: Keeping it cute and safe for all on the dance floor

What should we expect from venues and each other when clubs come back? The first in a series exploring issues left to face.

SF has a new tech plan — but it ignores the need for public broadband

Plus: Confronting attacks on Asian seniors and a modest, but important, police reform ... That's The Agenda for April 4-11

Community leaders line up to oppose attacks on DA Chesa Boudin

Records show the recall effort is backed by Big Tech, Finance, and Real-Estate (and someone who says 'VC Lives Matter.')

The strange and wondrous story of the Sick & Twisted Players

Thirty years ago, the troupe brought camp movie mashups, blazingly real talent, and guaranteed Splatterama to nightlife stages.