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Thursday, March 13, 2025

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Tagged with: Travel Ban

Arts Forecast: Should you even go out?

UPDATE: Right after we published this, the governor advised against small gatherings until the end of March—and requesting that events including people at high-risk...

Reviews: News of the real world in ‘The Jungle’ and ‘N—aroo’

ONSTAGE  "Theater brings news," an old saw goes. That can be interpreted any number of ways, but The Jungle (through May 19 at the Curran) brings...

Two local slates vie to set direction for state Democratic Party

City Hall pretty much closes up shop for a couple of weeks this time of year; the city, unlike the federal government, is not...

Our most-read stories of 2017

This was a truly unsettling year, from the election of Donald Trump and the resurgence of white supremacist movements to the sudden death of...

59 dead. Hundreds maimed. And we still can’t get real gun control

The best analysis I’ve seen so far of the horrific killings in Las Vegas is from Adam Gopnik at The New Yorker, who notes: If...

SF appeals court rules against revised ‘Muslim ban’

On Monday, a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously upheld a preliminary injunction blocking the enforcement of President Donald Trump’s...

Deaf dance in the time of Trump

Last fall, dancers from Turkey's Deaf Dance Academy paid for much of their own airfare to perform Anatolian folk and belly dance in the...

Ninth Circuit rules against Trump’s travel ban

The ninth circuit appeals court has unanimously ruled against Trump's travel ban, denying the ban be reinstated. Trump's administration had asked the court block lower-court...

Federal appeals court hears immigration-ban case

A federal appeals court heard arguments via telephone for and against the federal judge's temporary restraining order blocking the President Trump's banning  of most...

The week ACT UP shut SF down

25th anniversary events commemorate historic Sixth International Conference on AIDS protests -- and reunite seminal local activists, Fri/19-Sun/21. By Marke B. JUNE 16, 2015 -- "We were fraught,...