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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

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Tagged with: undocumented

Never again is now: A month of protests at ICE headquarters in SF

On Thursday afternoon, an ad hoc group called “Month of Momentum” assembled outside of the ICE building in San Francisco to condemn US border...

Oakland landlord’s epic fail in stunt to push out homeless people

Sad situation to witness today over at the High Street/Home Depot Homeless Encampment. Here’s the backstory: For the past couple of weeks the Orange Man...

Responding to the ICE raids

The Trump Administration is going forward with plans for massive deportation raids this weekend – but the message I am getting from immigration lawyers...

State bill could allow undocumented workers to claim tax credit

A bill making its way through the state Legislature would allow some undocumented Californians to claim the state’s earned-income tax credit – widely considered...

Bernie Day at the state Dem Convention

Sunday was Bernie Sanders Day at the state Democratic Convention. Bernie supporters packed the area outside the convention hall. Bernie signs were everywhere when he...

Eight ‘Big Ideas’ at MoveOn Forum

On Saturday afternoon, eight Democratic presidential hopefuls appeared for MoveOn’s “Big Ideas Forum” in San Francisco. Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Cory Booker, Congressman Beto O’Rourke,...

Convention Day One: Prop. 13 reform, progressive support for Kimberly Ellis …

Wow – just the first afternoon, no candidates for president yet -- and so much is happening at the state Democratic Party convention. We had...

UPDATED: Resolution on undocumented participation derailed — then finally passed — at Dem Convention

This morning, the San Francisco Democratic Party asked the California Democratic Party one question: Will you stand with immigrants? At a press conference this morning,...

Screen Grabs: Jeff Adachi, Romanian scandal, magnificent cake…

SCREEN GRABS In a week that brings the literally elephantine spectacle of a (mostly) live-action Dumbo remake by Tim Burton, you might well run in...

Large, enthusiastic crowd welcomes Bernie Sanders to San Francisco

Adults, teens, children and their pets gathered in Green Meadow Park near Fort Mason on a sunny Sunday afternoon March 24. Sen. Bernie Sanders...