John Ramondetta, a scheduled speaker at the white supremacist rally at Charlottesville in Virginia is no longer employed at an electrical company Rosendin Electric, in San Francisco, as of Wednesday.
Ramondetta is notorious for his white supremacist views and is better known as Johnny Monoxide. He regularly blogs at the white supremacist website “The Right Way” and is a co-host of two current shows and a frequent contributor on several others. Ramondetta was raised in the Greater Hartford, Connecticut, area and moved to Berkeley in 2006. He works as a union foreman electrician at IBEW Local No. 6 in San Francisco.
In the statement issued after firing Ramondetta, Rosendin Electric’s spokesperson Salina Brown said: “His actions did not match our policies so at this point he’s no longer employed with us.”
The statement issued by the IBEW 6 said that Ramondetta’s views were “solely his own and don’t reflect the views and opinions of IBEW Local No. 6”, the statement condemned views expressed by white supremacists and stated that their “authority doesn’t extend to the expression of his views and opinions as an individual outside the workplace.”
Earlier this week, reported rally attendee Cole White left his job at the Top Dog hot dog chain in Berkeley after outrage and demands for his firing.
“Cole chose to voluntarily resign his employment with top dog and we accepted his resignation,” Top Dog said in its statement.
The Southern Poverty Law Centre has an in-depth profile of Ramondetta which includes some of his racist and white supremacist comments: ““Now come on, beating up the wrong n****… is that even a possibility? Beat up the wrong n*****…” — “Black Album White Power,” The Daily Shoah, No. 167, June 30, 2017.
I'm curious if he was ejected from the union, or it was just the private company that fired him?
Where are all the racist trolls? Your homey needs you!
This moron has a "red pill" conspiracy bumping from neuron to neuron, kind of a particularly idiotic understanding of Men's Rights Activism bent into anti-Semitism. Sheer brain damage.