The Gaza protesters arrested in the East Bay Monday were cited and released, as most protesters are these days.
But the California Highway Patrol added felony conspiracy charges for the people arrested on the Golden Gate Bridge, ensuring that they would spend at least one night, and perhaps more, in jail.

Under state law, conspiracy to commit a misdemeanor—like blocking traffic—can be charged as a felony.
Rachel Lederman, a lawyer who is helping represent the protesters, said 26 are facing the felony charges. Since California doesn’t allow for the immediate release of people charged with felonies, they’ve been in San Francisco County Jail awaiting processing.
The jail is overcrowded and understaffed, and it’s taken a while. Some have been released this afternoon.
“I hope everyone else it out by tonight,” Lederman said. “This overcharging is just a way to punish people for protesting by forcing them to spend time in jail.”
District Attorney Brooke Jenkins will decide whether to pursue the felony charges. The first protesters will appear in court Friday.