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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

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A tough-on-crime DA doesn’t translate to lower crime rates

New study compares SF, Sacramento—and finds that a more progressive approach to criminal justice is associated with lower crime rates.

Two misleading anti-Boudin ads are going to hit local TV this week

The allegations that the DA ignores domestic violence and car break-ins don't add up.

An embarrassment of injustice: Innocent man pleads guilty to crimes he didn’t commit to get out of long prison sentence

José Inez García Zárate was found not guilty of homicide by an SF jury and has spent seven years behind bars. Now he's facing conviction in federal court.

Police chief has to back down, agrees to let deal with DA’s Office stay in place

Under pressure, Scott allows independent investigations of police shootings to continue—for another 60 days. But politics still play a big role.

Breed’s cynical crime politics

This whole Tenderloin 'crackdown' is going to be used by the mayor and her allies to attack DA Chesa Boudin.

Video shows cops beating a man in the Tenderloin who committed no real crime

...while mayor calls for more cops in the Tenderloin and attacks a surveillance ordinance for no good reason.

Boudin recall ad features paid staffers and a scandal-plagued former DA

Why don't the local media, so happy to attack the DA, fact-check an ad that is blatantly false and kind of ridiculous?

An SF courtroom veteran says the Chron is missing the point (and the facts) on Boudin

Another Sunday, another rotten Heather Knight column—and a response by a public defender who knows how the system actually works.

No, Walgreens isn’t closing stores because of massive shoplifting in SF

The Agenda: Protecting tenants from predatory ADUs, where will people tossed of our SIP hotels go, and the start of local redistricting.

While people sit in jail cells, SF courts delay criminal trials

Judges hear civil cases while violating the law and delaying the right to a speedy trial for criminal defendants, public defender says.

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