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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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News + PoliticsEnvironment


The tragic toxic legacy of the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard

Aided by a USC fellowship, reporter Tom Molanphy and 48hills dug into the overwhelming history of data concerning the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, which...

After death, returning your body to the Earth

Human composting is cheaper and more environmentally sound than traditional burials or cremation.

Is it safe? Treasure Island residents face health concerns from toxic dust

The dirt on the island was contaminated. Now it's flying around in the air.

Haney, Ting, and Wiener all back $1.4 billion PG&E nuke bailout bill

SF's delegation goes along with a deal to keep the dangerous Diablo Canyon alive—at taxpayer expense. And none of them want to talk about it.

Newsom wants emergency $1.4 billion PG&E nuclear bailout—now

Fast-track bill would override state regulation and give criminal utility taxpayer money for a plant that isn't safe—and he wants a vote this week.

With Supreme Court’s EPA ruling, can Trump’s damage to the environment ever be repaired?

A criminologist examines the toxic roots of corruption that were dug in during the former administration

Does SF have enough water to give some back to the salmon—and the ecosystem?

SF is hoarding water and killing fish—or it's preserving a precious resource from impending drought. Depends whose numbers you believe.

Fighting dystopia with essential voices: ‘Black Literature vs. The Climate Emergency’

Aya de León brings together writers and activists for a lively online conference that focuses on the possible and combats invisibility

‘We feel abandoned’: Bayview protest highlights ongoing toxic waste scandal

Community demands excavation and removal of Hunters Point Naval Shipyard radioactive residue, with local oversight.

Court rejects PG&E, sides with SF in major public-power case

Ruling not only saves the city hundreds of millions, but could pave the way for a real , green, public-power system.

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