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Friday, March 14, 2025

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BFF.fm dials in a decade of indie community—with a big party, of course

The online radio station boasts 110 current shows and 10 years of openings SF's ears. Celebrate on Thu/31

The myth of drug cartels is a cover for state-sanctioned violence

Author Oswaldo Zavala says the way we think about Mexican narcos is all wrong

Reparations task force member speaks out—about some very bad press coverage

Nikcole Cunningham describes how her comments were taken out of context to create a warped and dangerous media narrative.

Threads vs. Twitter: Look ma, no Nazis (yet)

Instagram’s new app offers a fix for soap opera lovers and the social media-dependent—but watch that privacy

Dianne Feinstein and the ghoulish media

The longtime press darling is now, it appears, getting manipulated by some of her old friends.

The New York Times has done serious damage with its coverage of trans people

There's no such thing as 'objectivity' when it comes to basic human rights.

Conservative YIMBYs just took over SF’s biggest lifestyle site. Its ex-editor tells us what that means

GrowSF controls The Bold Italic. Former head Matt Charnock, now of Underscore, dishes on the local media impact

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