Friday, May 3, 2024

Tagged with: ACT

Haney proposes sweeping reforms for public works

In the wake of the Mohammed Nuru scandal, Sup. Matt Haney is proposing a reform that should have been done years ago. He wants...

Never mind the Brexit, here’s Mostly British film fest

Our political relations with the Britain may be strained at present—last month its Defense Secretary said they were looking for new strategic alliances as...

Doesn’t anyone have any questions for the mayor?

Rev. Norman Fong is stepping down as the head of Chinatown Community Development Center after 30 years of organizing leadership. He was, and is,...

A culture of corruption at City Hall

I was in a taxi the night that the feds announced they had arrested DPW director Mohammed Nuru, and the driver wanted to talk...

Moms 4 Housing spurs right-to-purchase law in Oakland

Homeless moms who garnered national support after taking over a home in West Oakland have spurred legislation to protect Oakland tenants through a first...

Review: Get up, go out, see ‘Wakey, Wakey’

What do you look for when you want to go see a show? Some recommendations, perhaps, but definitely a little information on what it's...

Reviews: Laurie Anderson and Gina LaDivina, two very different storytellers

With her shock of hair and electric violin, Laurie Anderson is an instantly recognized avatar of '80s cool, although of course her pioneering electronics-based...

Could SF take over thousands of rent-controlled apartments?

Supervisor Dean Preston is demanding that one of San Francisco’s biggest landlords, Veritas Investments, halt the sale of 76 buildings in the hope that...

Screen Grabs: Battle of the giant Russian oligarchs

The big event this week is Friday’s return of Noir City, whose latest annual edition at the Castro we’ve previewed separately here. Among commercial openings...

Oakland moms make national statement with housing victory

In a huge victory that may change the way Oakland (and other cities) looks at vacant housing, homeless mothers who took over an empty...