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Thursday, March 20, 2025

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Tagged with: City College

Election updates: SF ballot measures

Updates throughout the evening on the parties and returns for local initiatives

Breed’s messaging undermines her own goals, including a critical Muni tax measure

Plus: Limits on cops' military hardware, long delays in Ethics audits, and a farce of a Housing Plan gets a hearing. That's The Agenda for Oct. 30-Nov. 6

Landlords try to trick voters with anti-tax mailers on Props M and O

Cynical campaign exploits very real economic fears in an effort to protect the big real-estate interests.

The greedy landlords who want to undermine the future of City College

Plus: Saving low-income housing in the Western Addition, fighting toxics at Hunters Point, and can we stop algae blooms in the Bay? That's The Agenda for Oct. 17-24

SF’s Carlos Villa becomes first Filipino American honored by a major museum retrospective

But sadly—for San Francisco—his multi-site show is missing an important component.

A suspended state of grace: Raymond Holbert and his underwater arias

Former CCSF art instructor breaks new ground via digitally-remixed photography.

The big debates: Changing the mayoral election date, a homeless oversight commission …

The Board of Supes has two more meetings to finalize the fall ballot, and while some measures are clearly going to be approved, at...

An open letter to the City College Board of Trustees

You don't need to fire 50 teachers. There are other options that could help save the school.

City College faculty set up tents, hold out for the end of brutal layoffs

Union members say cutting faculty will lead to a cycle of lower enrollment and less revenue; they have an alternative.

Fighting dystopia with essential voices: ‘Black Literature vs. The Climate Emergency’

Aya de León brings together writers and activists for a lively online conference that focuses on the possible and combats invisibility