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Monday, March 10, 2025

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Tagged with: Donald Trump

Cannabis for president: Legalization, decriminalization ruled ballots nationwide

Last night, US voters proved ending prohibition is the one thing they can agree on, from Arizona to Mississippi.

The GOP hits keep coming in D7

Trump supporters launch last-minute attack on Melgar and Nguyen

Author of ‘Abolish Silicon Valley’ Wendy Liu says tech must change

"There’s this extreme power discrepancy that’s being magnified by Silicon Valley in ways that are not necessarily new, but they’ve improved upon the ways it already existed."

Another big-money anti-tax front group emerges in SF

The Chamber of Commerce and GOP donors have created Fed UP SF to attack progressive taxes.

Teachers, nurses, students rally for Prop. 15

Event at Trump-owned building focuses on property-tax reform.

SF’s economic recovery plan: Trumpism on the local level

It's all about governmental deregulation and public subsidy of private profit -- while ignoring the manifest needs of everyday people.

Foreign Correspondent: Right-wing populism will make you sick

The world’s worst outbreaks are occurring in nations with authoritarian leaders, like Trump

The stunning selfishness of Trump’s return

Masks aren't just to protect you; they are to protect others. The president and his GOP supporters don't care.

Wiener tries to look progressive in debate

But that requires a bit of historical revisionism, since his record has always been very moderate on police, housing, and homelessness.

Big real estate escapes $360 million in annual SF taxes

SPECIAL INVESTIGATION: Owners of 55 local buildings (including Donald Trump) use Prop. 13 to save millions in taxes that could go to schools and city services.