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Thursday, March 20, 2025

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Tagged with: Insurance

State data shows COVID spread alarmingly at workplaces

The virus appears to have been infecting people at their jobs, not just at family parties and social events.

Dandelion Chocolate workers move to form union

Another local business could be represented by ILWU Local 6.

Moscone vaccination site is fast and efficient

Downtown site distributes 6000 COVID shots per day, but there's no reason to be daunted by smooth process

We can reimagine the post-COVID San Francisco

The future should be up to us -- not the corporate overlords who have controlled city planning for decades.

Indiefest galore! Our guide to the (online) 23rd movie bonanza

80 features and shorts from 20 countries, including Mexican magical realism, black comedy, and 'The Girl in Golden Gate Park'

Foreign Correspondent: Battle lines drawn on ending Yemen War

The Biden Administration has a chance to undo a disastrous label and open the door for peace.

It takes a community to survive COVID and cancer

Please take this virus seriously -- it almost killed me. But my community helped me get through some deep health trauma.

Breaking the law and abusing workers plays well on Wall Street

Breaking the law repeatedly, enabling thousands of evictions, ducking your taxes, overturning state labor codes, and abusing your workers seems to be a recipe...

Examined Life: Being human at a time like this

The future of our country may hang in the balance, but our humanity need not

Screen Grabs: Don’t worry, he said, COVID’s ‘Totally Under Control’

A new doc parses the US pandemic response catastrophe. Plus: Driving While Black, more