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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

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Tagged with: Market Street

Bernie comes to SF to support Jane Kim, Prop. 61

Bernie Sanders was in town Saturday morning to rally with Jane Kim (and a lot of other progressive candidates) before doing an event in...

Major sunshine issue comes before obscure committee

A committee of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, which normally gets no press attention, will take on what could be an explosive issue Tuesday/16...

Party Radar: Movements and movings on …

PARTY RADAR It seems like the bad news just keeps coming for nightlife this month -- Beatbox and Mighty closing, The Stud facing a huge...

SFPD manages not to kill armed suspect

The very good news is that the man who created a four-hour standoff with police in the Tenderloin this afternoon is not dead. That, even...

SF responds to Orlando horror with dignity, resolve, and numbers

The worst mass shooting in US history took place at a gay nightclub in Orlando, a place that catered to many Latino patrons. Many Republicans,...

SFPD’s Rap Sheet: More than 25 scandals since 2015

Most of the anger directed at the San Francisco police department, and the calls to fire Chief Greg Suhr, involves the four recent shootings...

Day XIII: Ed Lee hides as 700 protesters march to City Hall

This post is part of our special coverage on the #hungerforjusticesf. Five San Francisco residents are on hunger strike outside Mission Police Station, demanding...

Nimbys, SFBARF, and a clueless writer at the NY Times

The easy thing to do is just try to ignore the likes of SFBARF and hope they will go away. But they don’t, and...

The Agenda, March 28-April 3, 2016: Why developers can’t cry poverty

Most of the city seems to be on Spring Break this week; the supes aren’t meeting, most of the commissions aren’t meeting, and the...

Yes, gentrification will hit the Tenderloin

  In an admirable burst of optimism, a current BeyondChron post concludes that, unlike the rapidly gentrifying Mission District, the Tenderloin is not “... transforming...