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Monday, March 10, 2025

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Tagged with: Media

What we saw at Sundance 2021, part 2: More Ficks’ Picks at the big fest

Questlove's hypnotic 'Summer of Soul' sings, animated 'Cryptozoo' melts face, and two docs on Bay Area HS seniors bring cultural exposé close to home.

Screen Grabs: A rousing celebration of Black History Month

SF Urban Film Festival, Pan African Film Festival, an Edward Owens showcase—plus a new release with LaKeith Stanfield as a Panther plant.

Folsom Street Fair org launches community center, reclaiming anti-gentrification roots

The fair may go on, but new Folsom Street Community Center for Alternative Sexualities will be year-round resource

No cell phone? No vaccine.

Seniors who aren't tech-savvy and don't have cell phones are completely left out of the vaccination process in SF.

New Music: Behold the curious power of ’80s Japanese mutant pop

'Somewhere Between' comp highlights moment when minimal electronic gestures seemed like big experiments.

Screen Grabs: The outlaw sounds of youth

Lover's Rock and outlaw country docs. Plus: MC Escher, Black art history, and are we living in a simulation? New movies!

The Super Bowl billionaires

Sports team owners, including Charles Johnson of the Giants, made $98.5 billion during the pandemic. Their stadium workers are suffering.

Exposing the toxic crisis at Treasure Island

Plus: Will the Police Commission finally pass reforms -- and will it matter? That's The Agenda for Feb. 8-14

Bay View editor won’t face immediate discipline for holding press conference

Malik Washington could have faced a return to prison, but at the urging of a federal judge any action has been postponed.

Foreign Correspondent: What Trump and the Myanmar coup have in common

The Asian country’s military overthrew its government over baseless claims of voter fraud. Sound familiar?