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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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Tagged with: Military

‘Come From Away’ a record of human kindness in a post-9/11 tableau

On the morning of September 11, 2001, millions of Americans were glued to their television sets, watching the horrific images of planes crashing into...

A Green New Deal protest at Pelosi’s office

  While Rep. Nancy Pelosi jousted with President Trump over a government shutdown and the border wall, about 250 climate activists demanding a Green New...

Special Report: Scenes from the migrant caravan in Tijuana, part 2

Read part 1 of our coverage here. Three days ago, anthropologists Seth M. Holmes, Fabian Fernandez, and Levi Vonk returned to UC Berkeley after meeting...

Special Report: Scenes from the migrant caravan in Tijuana, part 1

Three days ago, anthropologists Seth M. Holmes, Fabian Fernandez, and Levi Vonk returned to UC Berkeley after meeting the migrant caravan in Tijuana. During...

Senate tumult reflects popular discontent with Yemen War

FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT I'm on a low-budget book tour, sleeping in spare bedrooms and munching granola in the kitchens of progressives all along the East Coast....

The reality about Nancy Pelosi …

When Nancy Pelosi became speaker of the House in 2007, Washington news media started calling me. The right wing was going nuts; Pelosi, they...

Israel loses politically in Gaza battle

Earlier this week the Israeli military and armed groups in Gaza clashed in the worst fighting since their 2014 war. Israeli planes bombed Palestinians,...

On Veterans Day, let’s also remember those who fought for the right to dissent

When Robert Simmons, an African American man from Savannah, Georgia, was brought to the foggy, windswept island of Alcatraz in the winter of 1918,...

Murder of Saudi journalist builds opposition to Yemen war

The murder of dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi has backfired on the Saudi royal family by focusing new attention on its vicious war on...

The socialists aren’t leaving the Democratic Party

In the October 20 “Willie’s World,” Willie Brown’s often surprisingly informative and entertaining San Francisco Chronicle column, the former mayor and state Assembly speaker...