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Saturday, March 8, 2025

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Tagged with: New York Times

All Ears: 17 music releases to look forward to in 2020

Between embargoes and secret release dates that see artists dropping projects when a Twitter trend is to their benefit, it's a little perplexing assembling a strong...

Foreign Correspondent: An open letter to a Trump-supporting friend

I first met Robby Robertson during the 1969 General Electric strike. He was a young, militant worker fighting for a decent contract and social...

[UPDATED] Outrage as CBS announces development of Ghost Ship show

UPDATE: After readers responded, Waldman and Chabon have decided not to go ahead with the show.  The San Jose Mercury News reported on Tuesday that...

Screen Grabs: Two movies for grown-ups at the multiplex

Last month 76-year-old Martin Scorcese ignited a firestorm—at least amongst fuming fanboy types—when he shrugged that he’d “tried” to grok superhero movies, “But that’s...

Arts Forecast: El Rio saved, Litquake aquiver, Open Studios opens….

ARTS FORECAST File under: more of this please! According to the Bay Area Reporter, the buildings housing legendary Latinx queer bar El Rio have...

Talking Yimby, acting Nimby in District 5

A story is unfolding in the District Five supervisor race, ignored by the news media, that illustrates the contradiction between narrative and fact that...

How the NY Times bungled coverage of the Warren/Sanders tax plans

I read The New York Times every day. I know people who have worked for the paper, and most of them are experienced professionals...

Foreign Correspondent: Trump’s piracy on the high seas

ISTANBUL— The drone attack on Saudi Arabia oil facilities on September 14 is jolting the entire Middle East, the latest incident in a months-long battle between...

Screen Grabs: Celebrating an Iranian giant’s ‘life as art’

SCREEN GRABS As the White House agitates off-and-on for war against Iran, it’s a particularly poignant juncture for the first major posthumous retrospective of...

Beyond the valley of the gig economy

Spanning the month of July, this year’s incarnation of LaborFest, the 26th annual, includes history talks and walks, union gatherings, films (including Sorry to...