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Thursday, January 16, 2025

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Tagged with: Real Estate

Election winners and losers in SF

First, we don’t really know anything for sure yet. There are, according to the Department of Elections, an astonishing 139,000 ballots still to be...

Dems looking good for the House; what’s happening in D6?

It’s still early, but CNN is telling us that 24 Democrats are ahead in GOP seats (and Beto is leading in Texas!) This will...

Election night live: Big turnout so far

Two years ago, I stood outside John’s Grill at the Election Day Lunch and heard Alex Clemens read off the early exit-poll results, which...

The Agenda, Election Day edition

The biggest election day of a lot of our lives is Tuesday/6, and I know that sounds overly dramatic, but I think it’s true. The...

A No on 10 study out of UC Berkeley is so dumb it’s almost a joke

The opponents of Prop. 10, which would allow cities to expand rent control, have another academic study they’re touting to make the strange case...

Tenant Troubles: What Prop. 10 is really about

“Local governments are on the front lines of managing homelessness, displacement and gentrification. They need the ability to stop the bleeding. Proposition 10 would...

The neighborhood case for Proposition 10

Vote YES to repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act (state ballot measure Proposition 10).  This state law repeal will impact the entire state. Current existing...

Old school Chinatown funk? 50 years of Jest Jammin’ with Rev. Norman Fong

ALL EARS If you’re not nostalgic for Chinatown nightlife circa 1970, it’s probably because you don’t know about it. Despite the passing of civil rights...

Big Tech, Real Estate money pours into D6 and D4

You can tell a lot about a politician by what they have done in previous offices – a School Board member running for supervisor...

Statewide tenant group celebrates ten years of organizing

What began as an experiment is now the longest running statewide tenant organization in California history. Tenants Together, California’s statewide renters’ rights organization, is...