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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

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Tagged with: Rent Control

Our top stories of 2019

From the election of Chesa Boudin and Dean Preston to a renewed spirit of arts and culture in the face of displacement, the 48...

Supes look to protect tenants while planners make the housing crisis worse

UPDATE: The item on the Hines tower has been updated to reflect new numbers. Sup. Matt Haney is pushing legislation that would extend eviction protections...

Two big victories for tenants at Midtown apartments

Five years into the ongoing campaign for tenant ownership and self-management at the Midtown Park Apartments, residents have won two major victories. Earlier this year,...

Sup. Vallie Brown evicted low-income tenants

Sup. Vallie Brown has a narrative driving her campaign: She had a difficult childhood, faced evictions and homelessness, and is now working to protect...

Talking Yimby, acting Nimby in District 5

A story is unfolding in the District Five supervisor race, ignored by the news media, that illustrates the contradiction between narrative and fact that...

How the NY Times bungled coverage of the Warren/Sanders tax plans

I read The New York Times every day. I know people who have worked for the paper, and most of them are experienced professionals...

Housing Rights Committee celebrates 40 years of fighting for renters

In 1979, San Francisco had just passed its first rent-control ordinance – and tenant groups were starting to emerge to protect that law. Among...

Facebook money pushes Chiu housing bill

48 hills’ “Facebook money and California housing” series delves into the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’s multi-million-dollar funding of the pro-growth shadow government that’s reshaping California...

SF responds to climate crisis (but will anyone mention Uber?)

The California Department of Housing and Community Development wants to know what you think the most important issues in your community are. And there’s...

Celebrate 40 years of rent control — and support the Tenants Union

If you live in San Francisco, and you pay rent, you can thank the Tenants Union for the fact that you are still here. The...