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Home News + Politics Forum: What the Nov. elections mean

Forum: What the Nov. elections mean

Hear reporters talk about how the voters can change the city's future

The November election, as we have pointed out repeatedly, has the potential to change the direction of the city in pretty dramatic ways. Control of the Board of Supes is at stake – and that means the policy direction of the city. If the mayor’s allies wind up back in charge, it will be two difficult years.


Four key measures on the ballot would shift the balance of power away from the mayor. Two nasty measures seek to create wedge issues by attacking homeless people.

Oh, and there are 25 measures on the local ballot.

If you want help sorting all of this out (beyond, of course, going to the Bay Guardian endorsements), or want to hear how the folks who watch this stuff every day, check out the Urban IDEA/VisionSF Forum Wednesday/12 (yes, that’s tomorrow).

The lineup features Isabelle Yiu from Sing Tao Daily, Joe Fitzgerald Rodriguez of the SF Examiner, Julie Levak of VanishingSF – and Sana Saleem of 48hills. The moderator if Rose Aguilar, of KALW fame.

The event starts at 6pm, Mission Neighborhood Center auditorium, 362 Capp St. Plenty of time for audience discussion and questions. It’s free. More details here.