The hunger strikers have brought new attention, including national and international attention, to the problems of police misconduct in San Francisco, making this city once again the topic of reporters and analysts who wonder what the hell is going on here.

(You can see how Democracy Now covered this, using our footage, here, and there’s a story on LeMonde here, if you can read French.)
If you’ve had enough, come to a forum Friday/29 at 5:30pm to talk about the issues – and about how the community ought to respond. It’s sponsored by SF Vision, and features 48hills writer Sana Saleem, along with Father Richard Smith, who will discuss the Amilcar Perez Lopez case, Yayne Abeba from the Mario Woods Coalition, Lisa Marie Alatorre, Human Rights Coordinator at the SF Coalition on Homelessness, and others.
Should be a lively discussion – and afterward the crowd will walk over to the Hunger Strike to show solidarity.
You can see the Facebook invite here. It’s at Mission Neighborhood Center, 365 Capp.