By Tim Redmond
Hi folks, after listening to all of your suggestions we have decided to implement the following:
- Starting this week we will migrate to Disqus to manage our comments section.
- From now on, only registered users can post comments on 48 Hills. That means registering an account with a unique username or email address, or using a social login option (Facebook, Twitter or Google). Not, I would say, too burdensome. But it means if you are abusing the space and breaking the rules, we can block you.
- Anyone that SPAMS the comments section (i.e. individual users who run multiple accounts) will be blocked. Sorry: Be who you are. One identity at a time.
- You know the rest of the rules: No personal attacks. No hate speech (and we set the standards). Keep on the topic.
- And as Markos at Daily Kos says, if you have so much to say that you are dominating the discussion and driving others away, then you need to start your own publication.
- We will not block posts because we disagree with your politics; this is not an echo chamber. There is room for serious debate – but not for abusive conduct. We want all to feel welcome at 48 Hills, and anyone who threatens that spirit doesn’t belong here.