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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

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Oh, the (budget) horrors of Unnamed Film Fest!

'The vomit and farts were real,' one director claimed at a post-show Q&A at Balboa Theatre.

Tech baron who said supes should ‘die slow’ wants to disrupt Peskin campaign event

Chinatown leaders fear violence, say intimidation is not acceptable, particularly in the heart of a vulnerable community.

Ranger, activist, housewife, centenarian: ‘Sign My Name to Freedom’ traces an extraordinary life

Betty Reid Soskin's continuing journey is set to music—and portrayed by four actors—at Z Space.

Try this fudgy, grassy, mouth-numbing cheese—before it’s gone forever

The Bay Area is already unmatched in indie grocery store quality (Bi-Rite, Berkeley Bowl, Rainbow Grocery, Good Life, Other Avenues...), but Gus’s Community Market...

Arts Forecast: The Stud is finally reopening—come get a sneak peek!

Plus: RIP Rumi Missabu, The Blessed Madonna, Dalit Dreamlands, KPFA's 75th anniversary, Drunk Drag, Chocolate Festival, more

Life burbles with inside jokes in Rebecca Ness’s jumbo paintings

Bookstores, bedrooms, U-Hauls, lesbian bars are loci of human comedy (and tragedy) in 'Portraits of Place.'

Wiener wants to regulate AI—but not help people whose jobs are destroyed

Half a million people in this state make a living as drivers; if robots replace them, how will they survive? That's not on the Wiener agenda.

Win free tickets to April concerts at Lost Church in North Beach!

Folk, rock, soul, and a Fleetwood Mac tribute are all on the menu at the intimate new concert venue.

Under the Stars: Whip out that local support for Bandcamp Friday

Remi Wolf, Umbrellas, R.E Seraphin, Torrey, more deserve your lavish attention. Plus: We need that Talking Heads reunion, stat.

Screen Grabs: Toxic masculinity meets queer desire in arresting ‘Femme’

Plus: Strikingly original 'La Chimera,' Woody Allen's all-French 'Coup de Chance,' Michael Snow tribute, more.

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