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Saturday, March 1, 2025

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Tagged with: Books

‘Shere Hite actually did change society’: Revindicating the woman who demystified orgasm

New documentary takes on life of bestselling, game-changing author—who was forced to flee the country.

After 60 years, the major media still won’t tell the truth about the JFK assassination

The evidence that top officials in the military and CIA killed the president is overwhelming—but The New York Times won't even run an oped about it.

Been here, done gone: Arhoolie Records’ Chris Strachwitz snapped our musical heritage

Beyond his precious recordings, a new book celebrates the documentarian's photos of essential roots musicians

Beep, beep: Meet your Muni drivers, colorfully illustrated

New art book 'Muni Is My Ride' captures the deeply committed, fundamentally human side of our daily public transport

Chuck Sperry screenprints rock history and the fight for equal rights, one poster at a time

A counterculture constant, from his work with Artist Television Access to Studio 4 and Bill Graham Presents

Hips don’t die: Try our Halloween playlist for a truly freaky fête

From John Carpenter jams to ghoulish tracks deep in the Bay DNA, get the dance of the damned off to a good start.

Alex Edelman: So, a Jewish comedian walks into a meeting of neo-Nazis…

The comedian's 'Just for Us' comes in from Broadway, bringing some big topics (and plenty of laughs) with it.

In Justin Yoon’s art, melancholy queer nostalgia sports gleaming blue pecs

A world where martinis, romance, and cigarettes in the movie theater rule.

Roxy Music’s Phil Manzera and Andy Mackay tap experimental side for ambient ‘AM PM’

Moody, Eno phase-inspired album 'was done when there was a lot of anxiety and fear of death,' sax legend Mackay says

Pompadoured troubadour Tav Falco to rock newly rebooted Kilowatt

'It'll be a night to crack the imperialist black egg,' says Memphis legend, appearing with longtime band Panther Burns.