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Sunday, March 16, 2025

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Tagged with: Education

Arts.Co.Lab is ready to dismantle the ‘rigged’ arts funding paradigm

Local cultural equity agency aims to equip BIPOC artists with tools for a sustainable practice and dignified life

Screen Grabs: Two tough films focus on the people hit hard by economic inequality

Great examinations of working class erosion ('Between Two Worlds') and family opioid addiction ('Stay Awake')

Screen Grabs: UFOs, time travel, pod babies… just another weekend at the movies

New sci-fi films tackle contemporary problems. Plus: 'The Unknown Country' and a Pema Tseden tribute

At Fringe Fest, a tale of bullied young immigrants ‘Dancing Home’

Dyana Díaz's play was inspired by a children's book—and her own experience at the San Francisco Youth Theatre

Bringing sexy back? Ira Sachs on his steamy, unrated new ‘Passages’

"We consider Hollywood this kind of liberal mecca but there's censorship involved," says the filmmaker

Arts Forecast: Licking our chops (daintily) for Foodwise Summer Bash

"People think of the Farmers Market as 'Oh, cherries are in season,' but there's a complex web of relationships going on beneath the surface,"...

The Democratic Party is suffering from learned helplessness that threatens us all

When we need serious change, it's always an excuse that says 'no we can't.'

Shamann Walton’s path—and his message

An autobiography tells of a childhood of drugs, violence, and incarceration—and the change that led to a successful political career.

It’s Stuttering Awareness Week. Nina G’s comedy album drops 12 tracks of education

Micro-aggressions 'just go right into my act,' says the Alameda-born stand-up

Health, agriculture, and education in Cuba

The tiny island country makes amazing progress despite the US blockade