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Saturday, March 8, 2025

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Tagged with: Health

Health Commission faces the ongoing crisis at Laguna Honda Hospital

And meanwhile, hundreds of unhoused seniors have serious medical issues that are getting entirely ignored.

2022’s highlights on stage, in a year of navigating theater’s return

The best (and worst) of welcome Bay Area productions—but let's remember that COVID is still with us, please.

Why are we still fighting over harm reduction in SF?

Feinstein resisted AIDS-era needle exchanges, now Breed rejects proven safe injection sites. We can't incarcerate our way out of crisis

What does Breed plan to do about the overdose crisis?

Plus: The future of Laguna Honda, racist police traffic stops, and the farce that is the city's Housing Element. That's The Agenda for Dec. 11-18

Why 469 Stevenson, the much-hyped project, will provide zero affordable housing for SoMa

Look at the numbers. It just doesn't add up. And there was a much better alternative.

Is it safe? Treasure Island residents face health concerns from toxic dust

The dirt on the island was contaminated. Now it's flying around in the air.

Nonprofit with $20 million in city money defies supes, won’t talk about labor issues

Board members furious that the Felton Institute refused to answer questions at a hearing on union-contract issues.

The national pundits can complain, but in SF, progressives get things done

The San Francisco left is fighting for things that the national Democratic Party has abandoned.

The greedy landlords who want to undermine the future of City College

Plus: Saving low-income housing in the Western Addition, fighting toxics at Hunters Point, and can we stop algae blooms in the Bay? That's The Agenda for Oct. 17-24

20 years of Broke-Ass Stuart? That definitely requires a bonkers party

Celebrate two decades of cheap local love, as the impresario of inexpensiveness throws one heck of a shindig