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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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Tagged with: Landlords

Tenant Troubles: Can I add a new roommate to my lease?

Editor's note: It's hard to be a renter in San Francisco these days; some landlords are constantly looking for ways to squeeze out more...

Hearing on Wiener housing bill points to the roots of this crisis

Most of the time, when San Francisco supervisors ask the board to weigh in on a state or federal issue, it’s just an agenda...

Campaign trail: A path for SF Dems to endorse Kim and Leno?

I may have been wrong about my assessment of the SF Democratic Party and the mayor’s race. If the strategy of the Mark Leno and...

Explosive debate finally shows the candidates as they are

The best and most revealing mayoral debate so far – because it was an actual debate – took place last week at the Potrero...

Protecting tenants from ‘renoviction’

As if there weren’t already enough ways to evict tenants, unscrupulous owners now have a new weapon in their arsenal: temporary moveouts justified by...

EXCLUSIVE: Tenants living in squalid conditions in building owned by SF’s largest landlord

Fe Soledad’s day begins with making sure her son Vincent is ready to go to school before she heads off to work. Everything needs...

How we beat Airbnb

San Francisco has set another first in the annals of the tech economy: a 50% reduction in the number of Airbnb listings for the...

The Agenda: Ron Conway gets his way

Two of the leading candidates for mayor told me this week that they think something went very wrong with the Planning Department’s decision to...

Key rent control bill dies in Assembly committee

The effort to allow cities to impose effective rent controls failed in a state Assembly committee today after two Democrats refused to vote for...

Will SF allow the owner who evicted a 100-year-old to get a condo conversion permit?

The SF Planning Commission is set to vote Thursday/11 on allowing the owners of the building where Iris Canada was evicted to convert to...