Saturday, May 4, 2024

Tagged with: Politics

Black Panthers, today: A 1968 photo series exploring the activists’ humanity finds significance in 2019

How is the humanity of activists obscured to discredit their movement? San Francisco Art Institute explores the question in “Vanguard Revisited: Poetic Politics &...

W. Kamau Bell talks R. Kelly, Elmwood Cafe whiplash on eve of Sketchfest tribute

Nationally, comedian W. Kamau Bell is known for his multiple Emmy-winning CNN show “United Shades of America," his Netflix comedy special “W. Kamau Bell:...

Arts Forecast: How Rickshaw Stop made it to 15 years young

ARTS FORECAST This week, Rickshaw Stop takes a moment to celebrate its longevity as a center of San Francisco music culture. Fans of the...

Political power — in San Francisco and Sacramento

It was a time to celebrate in San Francisco tonight. Progressive groups in Chinatown held a banquet for the new supervisors, who ran on...

The real stakes in the board president vote

Political observers are scrambling to figure out who the next president of the Board of Supes will be – and in the process, some...

Celebrating the new supes …

The new Board of Supes is sworn in Jan. 8, and the first order of business will be electing a president. The process has...

Trump: The sudden anti-war champion?

Last week President Donald Trump surprised the world, and much of his own staff, by announcing plans to pull more than 2,000 US troops...

Two local slates vie to set direction for state Democratic Party

City Hall pretty much closes up shop for a couple of weeks this time of year; the city, unlike the federal government, is not...

Have you read these? Our top stories of 2018

It's been a wild rollercoaster of a year, which from some vantage points seems like several very, very long years. Two elections, a contentious...

Screen Grabs: Our favorite movies of the year (and what’s on now)

SCREEN GRABS As 2018 comes to a close, we can pause and reflect that as so often is the case, what was a pretty...