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Thursday, March 27, 2025

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Tagged with: sfo

OPINION: Is SF General Hospital ready for a disaster? I fear not.

As a trauma nurse at San Francisco General Hospital, I fear that in the inevitable case of disaster San Francisco wouldn’t be able to...

Fewer calls on city to ‘blow up’ taxi permit system

Sup. Sandra Lee Fewer yesterday called for the city to “blow up” its current taxi permit system, find a way to pay back drivers...

Celebrate 40 years of rent control — and support the Tenants Union

If you live in San Francisco, and you pay rent, you can thank the Tenants Union for the fact that you are still here. The...

SF pays $58,000 for Uber and Lyft rides

San Francisco spent almost $58,000 in the past year reimbursing city employees for rides on Uber and Lyft, public records show. Records obtained from the...

Puff: Traveling with your stash

PUFF As the year end holidays approach, many make plans to see those near and dear to our hearts all across this fair land....

Climate-change denial, right here in California

 “In California, facts and science still matter,” said Gov. Jerry Brown in a prepared statement. “These findings are profoundly serious and will continue to...

Supes unanimously rename SFO terminal for Harvey Milk

While a lot of the attention and time was on SB 827, the Board of Supes took an historic vote today to rename the...

Our most-read stories of 2017

This was a truly unsettling year, from the election of Donald Trump and the resurgence of white supremacist movements to the sudden death of...

Party Radar: Fall drags you in

PARTY RADAR It's recently come to my attention that I love autumn. I know it's a bit nipply out, but the extended cover of...

Arts Forecast: Dia de los Muertos, Open Studios, Circus Veritas …

ARTS FORECAST You've mastered Halloween (or, like me you've mastered watching everyone's Halloween costumes on Instagram), but are you ready for Day of the Dead?...