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Thursday, March 13, 2025

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Tagged with: women's march

Under the Stars: Oakland producer sndtrak channels sunny ’80s TV vibes

Plus: 'I Need A Freak' still bangs from '83, Brian Auger's Oblivion Express gets complete, Emily Afton pays a visit, more.

Women’s protest calls for justice and equality

Salam Asmerom works as a nurse at a wellness center in San Francisco. Not long ago, she told me, she encountered a patient who...

Scenes from the Women’s March

Little girls on parents’ shoulders, bands of teenage girls with sparkly signs, young women adorning pink hats, T-shirts, and other attire, and men and...

Building momentum and the Women’s March

The New York Times spent a lot of time talking about the “controversy” around this weekend’s Women’s March. The march was “smaller;”maybe there’s a “waning...

How to build on the #MeToo movement — at home

When we discuss anti-rape activism in the year since the #MeToo hashtag went viral, it is crucial to acknowledge the decades of work by...

Scenes from the incredible Women’s March

Tens of thousands of women took to the streets of San Francisco on Saturday, January 20, to protest the Trump administration and encourage voters...

Our most-read stories of 2017

This was a truly unsettling year, from the election of Donald Trump and the resurgence of white supremacist movements to the sudden death of...

As Trump wages war on women’s health, San Francisco’s elected women are fighting back

As the Trump administration moved into defund international Planned Parenthood San Francisco's elected women leaders are fighting back. On Tuesday, Supervisor Hillary Ronen introduced a resolution that strongly...

Nothing like this has ever happened before

The scenes from around the world were stunning. I had expected a large turnout – something on the order of the spring protests against...

#WomensMarch in Pictures: More than 60,000 join the march in Oakland

Over 60,000 people gathered at Oakland's Oscar Grant Plaza for Women's March to show solidarity for women's right and protest statements made by President...