More than 100 people gathered — and ran, and walked, and danced — atop Bernal Hill Sunday to raise money for the memorial for Alex Nieto, a young man shot and killed by SFPD officers.

The “Justice for Alex Nieto” run brought in more than $1,000, and now the grassroots operation has more than $4,000. But there’s a long way to go — the goal is $40K, and you can help out by contributing here.
It was a sunny day on the hill, and a crowd of joggers and dogwalkers got to see a strong demonstration of the organizing and effort by Nieto’s supporters — and got the message that this young man, and the injustice of his “death by gentrification,” will never be forgotten.
I wasn't there, but there was an independent eyewitness. You're never going to believe this, but her statements didn't match up with the SFPD''s version. And now I'm going to totally blow your mind — the bullet trajectories and entrance wounds didn't line up with SFPD's version either.
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I didn't realize that you were there as a stellar eye witness, choad.
Perhaps your interpretation of events is ill conceived.
Perhaps he should have simply followed the instructions given to him by the authorities and none of this would have to happen.