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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

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CEQA has nothing to do with SF downtown’s economic woes

And Scott Wiener's attack on the environmental law will only make things worse for vulnerable populations.

After 65 years, Alvin Ailey Dance Theater still exalts Black life and modern movement

Duke Ellington, Alonzo King, and six decades of classics are on tap for company's latest Cal Performances residency.

Can SF get an independent study of toxic risk at Hunters Point?

Plus: Preserving history on the waterfront, and preserving the waterfront from sea-level rise. That's The Agenda for March 24-31

Hundreds rally for Preston kick-off

Spirited event seeks to draw a clear line between the billionaires and the rest of the city.

Lawyers say DA is using terrible crime for political gain …

... While Jenkins and her allies can't seem to get the facts right.

Good Taste: Spring brings new and returning food festivals

POC Food and Wine, Cinco de Mayo by Al Pastor Papi, Harajuku Foodie Fest, more dates with local deliciousness

What the March election really meant—and where the city goes from here

Big tech money and low progressive turnout carried the day—but what if there's a real mayor's race in November?

Engardio wants to protect supes from issues ‘outside our control.’ Here’s some amendments

Let's avoid taxes, climate change, war ... or we could just be residents of a city, a country, and a world.

The eerie detritus, AI omens of ‘Daemonomania’

Anthony Discenza's show at Et al. encourages reflection on the mess in which we find ourselves.

Some perspective on the case of a brutal stabbing of an Asian senior

The assailant is not going free; he faces a 10-year prison sentence if he doesn't enter a mandatory mental-health residential treatment program.

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