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Thursday, January 16, 2025

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Tagged with: Kids

Straight man bends: How the AIDS Lifecycle Ride changed me

By Kenneth Kann I’m a 69 year old straight, married man, in a glittering red dress, on a bicycle, pedaling 42 miles through conservative California...

Day XIII: Ed Lee hides as 700 protesters march to City Hall

This post is part of our special coverage on the #hungerforjusticesf. Five San Francisco residents are on hunger strike outside Mission Police Station, demanding...

Supes to decide if 16 and 17-year-olds should vote

There are plenty of reasons why San Francisco should lower the voting age to 16, but the most important one is that young people...

Earth Day cometh

Hey, guess what? We're all gonna broil and/or melt! But some of us are going down in flames clinging to a last shred of hope...

All eyes on SFIFF59

SCREEN GRABS This year's San Francisco International Film Festival -- the 59th installment of this seminal feast for the eyes, running at various venues April...

Digging deep, empowered by grief

Performer Mika Lemoine didn't fully grasp the power of Destiny Arts Center and Embodiment Project's documentary play Seed Language until its opening night. (The...

Goatchella returns!

You may think the youth of today are obsessed with their iThingies and digital whats-its, their crazy rock music and their weirdo festivals out...

The Agenda, Part 2: A couple more items I missed

Sometimes there’s so much going on that I can’t keep track of it all. So this week’s Agenda missed a couple of interesting items...

The Agenda, March 21-27, 2008: A homeless emergency, mayoral vetoes ….

The mayor was out of town when news broke that his approval ratings continue to dive, just a few months into his final term....

The Mission, noir — with some ugly history and real life today

On Dec. 12, 1975, an arsonist set fire to the Gartland Apartments, a low-income residential complex at 16th and Valencia, killing at least 14 people...