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Sunday, March 2, 2025

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Tagged with: Landlords

Castro march a ‘funeral’ for vacant storefronts

About 100 people gathered by the Harvey Milk Memorial Flagpole Saturday to participate in “A March To Remember and Reignite Hope,” organized by Juanita...

The latest way VC and tech disruptors are attacking SF’s housing stock

Sup. Aaron Peskin opened a hearing this week on regulations of corporate rentals with a remarkable statement: “In the almost 20 years I have been...

Unlimited growth doesn’t help the local economy

I went to see Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel-prize-winning economist, speak at USF last week. Lectures by economists don’t tend to fill up large rooms,...

Moms 4 Housing bill expanded

Oakland Councilmember Nikki Fortunato Bas announced yesterday that the Moms 4 Housing bill, which would give tenants the first right of purchase on buildings...

Doesn’t anyone have any questions for the mayor?

Rev. Norman Fong is stepping down as the head of Chinatown Community Development Center after 30 years of organizing leadership. He was, and is,...

Moms 4 Housing spurs right-to-purchase law in Oakland

Homeless moms who garnered national support after taking over a home in West Oakland have spurred legislation to protect Oakland tenants through a first...

Could SF take over thousands of rent-controlled apartments?

Supervisor Dean Preston is demanding that one of San Francisco’s biggest landlords, Veritas Investments, halt the sale of 76 buildings in the hope that...

How corporate rentals are taking away rent-controlled housing

During the Planning Commission’s hearing last Thursday on corporate rentals, Peter Cohen, co-director of the Council of Community Housing Organizations, made a critical point. “We...

Real-estate industry rebels at modest measure to limit corporate rentals

The real-estate industry and the San Francisco Planning Department are going crazy over a rather modest proposal by Sup. Aaron Peskin to limit corporate...

Supes poised to create 12 new districts where vacancy tax can be assessed

The Board of Supes is moving to create a dozen new neighborhood commercial districts – a move that will bring more of the city...