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Tagged with: Mission District

At the CROSSROADS in 2016

Presenting more than 70 artists' films in nine programs over three days in 16mm, 35mm, and digital video, SF Cinematheque's annual experimental film festival...

Yes, gentrification will hit the Tenderloin

  In an admirable burst of optimism, a current BeyondChron post concludes that, unlike the rapidly gentrifying Mission District, the Tenderloin is not “... transforming...

Another foreclosure in Bayview puts the focus on Fannie Mae

 More than 30 people gathered last week outside the home of yet another Bayview family losing a home of 19 years. It couldn’t be...

SF Indiefest: A trio of top picks

SF Indiefest is celebrating its 18th anniversary of screening independent cinema, which is an admirable milestone. This year's movie lineup will light up the Mission...

BIG WEEK: 10 great things to do Dec. 2-6, 2015

Golden Girls, Alternative Tentacles, Man Candy, Heron Oblivion, Jingletown Art Walk, and more this week. By Marke B.  GOLDEN GIRLS: THE CHRISTMAS EPISODES This one's gonna...

Who gets affordable housing?

Supes tackle complicated, confusing issue as Breed seeks neighborhood preference By Tim Redmond NOVEMBER 17, 2015 – The supervisors will tackle today a really tricky question...

Lee avoids tough questions in mayoral debate

The challengers did the best they could, but a weak format allowed Lee to duck any criticism of his record By Tim Redmond OCTOBER 9, 2015...

BIG WEEK: What to do Oct. 7-13, 2015

Litquake, Shocktoberfest, Sandcastle Contest, Decompression, Latin Legends, Ocean Beach Fest, Indigenous Powwow, Youngblood Brass Band, more essential events. By Marke B.  BIG WEEK The vast tsunami of...

A Millennial’s view of housing in SF

A native sees the city go from the absurd to the insane By Lia Azul Salaverry OCTOBER 5, 2015 -- To say I am a Bay...

New SF political group launches with fall election focus

VisionSF seeks to bring volunteers out for the key housing measure on the November ballot By Tim Redmond OCTOBER 3, 2015 – A new political group...