Saturday, May 4, 2024

Tagged with: Music

La Doña takes on the world with ‘Algo Nuevo’

The magnetic Mission singer-trumpeter blends her mariachi background with reggaeton, more on new independent album.

Under the Stars: Noise Pop announced, Black Creative Database launches

Plus: Anz gets rolling, Habibi's Farsi take on Swiss punk, Bathe builds an orb, more music news and releases

Electronic wiz Dave Aju puts his back into new label Elbow Grease

'A driving principle is to be free from human ego, which may sound odd in the dance music realm, especially today'

Taking in Outside Lands, at a pivotal moment for San Francisco

At a peak of inequality—and the city just waking up from COVID—how did it feel to dive into the raucous fest?

Screen Grabs: Decibels fest screens musical visions, from punk to Kenny G

Plus: Other musical films at United Nations Association Film Fest and BAMPFA's 'The Black Film Ambassador,' more

Bring the noise: Fall’s best albums, part two

A sweet soundtrack to those leaves falling: Check our list of must-nabs featuring Nubya Garcia, Lotic, Ross From Friends, and more.

Under the Stars: Got love for ESG? Check these upcoming Bay concerts

We've got the deets on Avalon Emerson's local gig, a three-night Slumberland Records showcase, and exciting new releases.

How Todd Haynes captured The Velvet Underground’s transgressive impact

New doc's director speaks about the personal and cultural shockwave of the seminal '60s band.

Bring the noise: Fall’s best albums, part one

Autumn sweet spot: Our list of phenomenal recent releases, from DijahSB, Damu the Fudgemunk, Alicia Walter, and more.

Madame X-ed: A second listen to early Madonna

As her new concert movie streams, harking back to when young Madge was the sound of the NYC streets.