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Thursday, March 13, 2025

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Tagged with: News

Will Julian Assange get a fair trial in the US?

British police dragged Wikileaks founder Julian Assange out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London on April 11, witnessed by a scrum of international media. Authorities...

The DMV nightmare: Report and tips from the (long) lines

  Perhaps you've heard the horror stories of people waiting five hours to renew their driver licenses at the always friendly California Department of Motor...

Examined Life: On shaky ground

EXAMINED LIFE We are, none of us, on steady ground. This is a spiritual truth, but it’s also increasingly become a practical truth, especially in...

The SF supes’ salvo against Wiener’s housing deregulation bill

The story hasn’t received much news media attention, in part because it came as no surprise, but the Board of Supes this week decided,...

Contemporary fado queen Mariza comes to SFJAZZ

Fado, the mournful and soul-stirring music of Portugal, is coming to San Francisco this week. Whether you're a fado fan or new to the...

Reviews: News of the real world in ‘The Jungle’ and ‘N—aroo’

ONSTAGE  "Theater brings news," an old saw goes. That can be interpreted any number of ways, but The Jungle (through May 19 at the Curran) brings...

Dimensions Dance comes ‘Armed with Joy’ and ‘Sanctuary’

DANCE Choreographer Erik Lee has always seen dance as a form of worship. Now he thinks that idea has growing acceptance, and he’s glad to be...

Some humanity for people without homes

In the past week, we've seen some very disturbing things that have shown just how bad things are in terms of the lack of...

David Herrera Performance Company explores the power of empathy—and loss

DANCE The mission of David Herrera's acclaimed dance-performance company is "to promote the diversity of the Latinx experience in the United States, in an effort...

US news media totally missed the point on the Mueller report

Many of us were disappointed Sunday when we got the news that the Mueller investigation wasn’t leading to an indictment of Trump. There was,...