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Monday, March 17, 2025

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Watch: Scott Woods breaks down ‘Prince and Little Weird Black Boy Gods’ on Music Book Club

The critic and poet's latest book takes a unique look at the Purple One's career and the meaning of his music.

About those political ‘protests’ …

The events against Peskin and Chan were mostly paid hacks, allies of the mayor, and people who don't live in the districts.

A new home goods store highlights Palestinian creators—and benefits Gaza relief efforts

Ariel Magidson and HK Elkhoudary's Senses in North Beach is creating a safe space for discussion and relief.

Puff: With ‘official’ 420 fest stubbed out, Weed Week lights up

No need to nix your high, a new weeklong celebration of local strains, growers, and dispensaries is coming.

A profound web of hybrid histories in MoAD’s ‘Unruly Navigations’

Curator Key Jo Lee looks beyond the US perspective, taking an exciting global perspective on Black culture.

Among Silent Film Fest’s gems: A movie shown for the first time in 101 years

Plus: Two-tone Technicolor Douglas Fairbanks, junior Sherlock Buster Keaton, Yasujiro Ozu's ode to childhood, more

Massive Peskin kickoff sets up an epic race for mayor of SF

Billionaire 'protest' is a total bust as huge crowd packs Portsmouth Square for a candidate who might be able to build a winning coalition in mostly right-wing field

Oh, the (budget) horrors of Unnamed Film Fest!

'The vomit and farts were real,' one director claimed at a post-show Q&A at Balboa Theatre.

Tech baron who said supes should ‘die slow’ wants to disrupt Peskin campaign event

Chinatown leaders fear violence, say intimidation is not acceptable, particularly in the heart of a vulnerable community.

Ranger, activist, housewife, centenarian: ‘Sign My Name to Freedom’ traces an extraordinary life

Betty Reid Soskin's continuing journey is set to music—and portrayed by four actors—at Z Space.

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