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Sunday, May 19, 2024

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Tagged with: Art

Monica Lundy paints forgotten histories and overlooked individuals

Oakland-Italy artist has created portraits of sex workers and the incarcerated, and renders a psychology of space.

Smoky air, social distancing: Gina Gaiser chronicles subtle moments of our now

The photographer takes inspiration from Warhol's quote: 'You need to let the little things that would ordinarily bore you suddenly thrill you.'

Screen Grabs: Women at the center—coming of age, taking revenge

'The Sky is Everywhere,' 'The Worst Person in the World,' and 'Catch the Fair One' unfold in very different ways.

Screen Grabs: Indiefest adds thematic heft to the usual wild fun

Black rage, migrant mystery, and sex-trafficking revenge join cat daddies, Airsteam trailers, and 'Mother Schnuckers' this year.

Screen Grabs: ‘Simple Passion’ is French, explicit, and kind of meh

Plus: A ludicrous new Woody Allen movie, Poly Styrene's life gets x-rayed, Italian youth speak out

Ficks’ Picks Epic List: Our favorite films of 2021 (or so)

A mega-countdown of recommended movies, videos, and even double features recently released

The attack ads start in state Assembly race, using a great housing myth

Plus: Charter amendments would shift the balance of power at City Hall. That's The Agenda for Jan. 24-31

Wild herbs stir up mechanisms of oppression in ‘Foragers’

Jumana Manna's video installation at Berkeley Art Museum follow Palestinians as they gather indigenous plants—an illegal occupation.

UCSF’s new hospital: A pretty building, but in the wrong place

The school's plans will make one part of the city more unlivable and the other part less healthy and wealthy.

Painter Cannon Dill: ‘I almost have to beat the canvas like a drum’

The artist goes deep on his 'crunchy,' textural process: Check out his solo show at Oakland's pt. 2 Gallery.