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Monday, May 20, 2024

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Tagged with: Berkeley Rep

This weekend, The Breath Project streams 24 nationwide theater works in honor of George Floyd

"It’s another brick in the wall. Or rather, we’re taking the wall down, so it’s a brick out of the wall.”

‘It Can’t Happen Here’ returns, right before election

A collaborative radio drama from Berkeley Rep revives the Sinclair Lewis classic, which won raves four years ago

Arts Forecast: We can do this!

We may be going through tough times, but we're still producing the art, music, culture, deep inquiry, and joy that continue to sustain us....

Arts Forecast: Apocalypse… but make it fashion!

The name of this column, "Arts Forecast," has suddenly taken on an ominous tone in this moment of cancellations and uncertainty. While we are...

Review: ‘Toni Stone’ hits a home run (and you can watch it on your couch)

Editor's Note: In the wake of its theaters shutting down, ACT is streaming its plays Gloria (reviewed here) and Toni Stone, reviewed below on...

Review: Sketch comedy legends Culture Clash return—with big tío energy

In these incendiary political times, watching the three master sketch comedians of pioneering Latino troupe Culture Clash is like dipping your spoon into a...