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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

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Tagged with: Education

The genius of Chadwick Boseman’s James Brown

In the James Brown bio-pic Get On Up from 2014, actor Chadwick Boseman presented the American composer and bandleader in the same manner life presented...

Campaign money and what it shows: District 7

The latest campaign finance reports—which show a lot about how state and local races are shaping up—are now on file, and they indicate some...

OPINION: Education pods for everyone

By Renée Aguilar, Eliana Elias, Casey Federico, Brooke Giesen, Angelica Guerrero, Ramya Krishna, Bethica Quinn, and Madonna R. Stancil Almost five months into this global...

Cannabis has a racism problem. The Floret Coalition can help.

On Thursday, hundreds of people who work in the marijuana industry gathered for a virtual event called “allyship + weed” convened by cannabis brand...

City quarantine, set to film for the Roxie’s Mixtape-in-Place fest

When the Roxie Theater announced the first open call for a Mixtape event in 2015, the festival was never meant to become an annual...

Some defining issues in the fall supes race

The San Francisco Democratic Party will vote on endorsements for the Board of Supes Wednesday/22, and while the party nod doesn’t always mean victory,...

‘She Represents’ teaches teens the good, bad, and infuriating of women in politics

Large, wild quantities of joy and a smattering of acute frustration were involved in writing my first book, the YA title She Represents: 44...

In ‘The Niceties,’ deep-rooted academic bias vividly on display

In The Niceties, playing online from Shotgun Theater, a Black student, Zoe (Regina Monique) at an unnamed elite Northeast university (clearly Yale given it’s...

COVID is devastating the US economy—while the very rich get very richer

My poor puppy hates the fireworks. They’re loud and unpredictable. There are many theories, some of them pretty out there, as to why so...

OPINION: Defunding the police is just one step

Black Lives Matter and other abolitionist groups are leading communities across the country to recognize that the criminal justice system is a powerhouse of...