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Friday, March 14, 2025

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Tagged with: Leland Yee

Planners keep wanting to streamline approvals for housing that won’t get built

The Board of Supes isn’t back from vacation yet, but the Planning Commission is – and on Thursday/22 the panel will hear a report...

Review: A marvelous Chinatown ride in ‘King of the Yees’

ONSTAGE In one intriguing scene in King of the Yees (at SF Playhouse through March 2), the Sichuan Face Changer (Jomar Tagatac) poses a...

Playwright Lauren Yee’s tribute to China Town community comes home to SF

Lauren Yee’s play, King of the Yees, has been produced all over – Baltimore, Toronto, Seattle, and Chicago. But she’s particularly excited for it...

The Agenda: Rose Pak, the devastation of the Eastern Neighborhoods ….

Gordon Chin, a founder and former director of the Chinatown Community Development Center, notes in his book Building Community, Chinatown Style, that for Rose...

The forgotten legacy of Keith Jackson

Keith Jackson, a former member of the San Francisco Board of Education who became a political fundraiser and fixer, is set to be sentenced...

Can SF stop the “climate of corruption?”

A rally calls for outside investigators -- while campaign filings show that much of the tech and developer domination is perfectly legal SEPTEMBER 9, 2015...

Ed Lee and the FBI corruption charges

Raymond Chow's lawyers haven't proven that the mayor is involved in anything illegal. But damn, this doesn't look good By Tim Redmond AUGUST 4, 2015 –...

Why consumers – and tenants – should be happy about the Leno cell-phone bill victory

State Sen. Mark Leno's cell phone bill could be a sign that Ellis Act reform is also possible. By Tim Redmond MAY 12, 2014 – The...

Tracking the oil money (and sleaze) in Sacramento

By Tim Redmond The three Democrats in the state Senate who are now on forcible leave and under legal clouds all took substantial amounts of...

The Leland Yee-Willie Brown connection and the culture of corruption

By Tim Redmond One of the most interesting bits of information in the massive affidavit that let to Sen. Leland Yee's arrest is a short...