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Monday, March 10, 2025

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Tagged with: Tech

The future of SF politics

If you spent any time in the headquarters of the campaigns for Chesa Boudin or Dean Preston, if you spent any time on the...

The Street Sheet: 30 years of journalism by and for homeless people

  Since 2001, I’ve been involved with Street Sheet in some capacity — at first as a freelancer, and now as a sort-of managing editor...

San Francisco’s doomed! Listen to this mix

Tamara Palmer is a writer, DJ (as TeeMoney), and publisher of food zine California Eating. We asked her to make a mix of some...

Can a museum exhibit capture Burning Man?

It has blinky lights, art cars, the gifting of trinkets, and the Temple of Reunion by legendary temple-builder David Best. There’s cool video from...

SF’s housing policy failure on full display this week

The city’s failure to make sure affordable housing keeps up with office growth will be on full display at the Land Use and Transportation...

Breed attacks two progressive reform measures

Mayor London Breed is using an old political tactic to try to undermine two progressive ballot measures. Instead of opposing the measures, which are likely...

‘Disasterama!’ chronicles SF’s wild, lost queer underground

A certain queer generation has come of memoir age—which is a bit bracing (read: terrifying) for those of us who survived the '80s and...

SF Planning’s really weak ‘Community Stabilization Policy’

The San Francisco Planning Commission will hear a presentation Thursday/ 17 on the department’s Community Stabilization Policy– supposedly an interagency effort to fight the...

DA deal? D5 money … and will an 11-year EIR ever die?

There are really only two questions for George Gascon at this point: Did he cut a deal with the mayor (and everyone knows Gascon...

Talking Yimby, acting Nimby in District 5

A story is unfolding in the District Five supervisor race, ignored by the news media, that illustrates the contradiction between narrative and fact that...