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Sean Dorsey Dance 20th Home Season
Tuesday, September 17, 2024

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News + PoliticsHousingWatch: Westside RV community faces another mass displacement

Watch: Westside RV community faces another mass displacement

Parking enforcement deadline approaches, throwing dozens of unhoused families into uncertainty.

This video report was produced in partnership with El Tecolote. Reporter: Andrew Brobst. Video: Erika Carlos. For more on-the-streets reporting, follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube.

A Westside RV community faces more displacement as parking laws are set to be enforced, causing dozens of unhoused families to face an uncertain future.

As this situation unfolds, will District 7 Supervisor Myrna Melgar find a safe place for these 30+ families to park without facing citations?

These families just need a spot to park while they work, feed their kids, and send them to school. They’re part of the aggressive push against people struggling to survive in San Francisco.

Mayor London Breed’s efforts to make being unhoused “very uncomfortable” raises questions. How many more families will be affected? If city resources aren’t meeting the needs of the unhoused to the point where services are being refused, how does this further homelessness?

The location of the RVs was cut from the video in efforts to preserve privacy.

48 Hills welcomes comments in the form of letters to the editor, which you can submit here. We also invite you to join the conversation on our FacebookTwitter, and Instagram

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Sean Dorsey Dance 20th Home Season


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Ghost-charged glow worms: Flore Laurentienne and William Basinski at Grace Cathedral

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Sean Dorsey Dance 20th Home Season

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