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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

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Tagged with: Sex

Arts Forecast: And here’s the real kicker…

ARTS FORECAST The Stomp tour stomped into town for a very brief visit at ACT last weekend (why, when it could stay so much longer?)—and the...

Screen Grabs: Three of the year’s best dramas and more

Many new films of interest opening this Friday—so many, in fact, that we had to write separately about the week’s revival highlights (see here)...

The Street Sheet: 30 years of journalism by and for homeless people

  Since 2001, I’ve been involved with Street Sheet in some capacity — at first as a freelancer, and now as a sort-of managing editor...

San Francisco’s doomed! Listen to this mix

Tamara Palmer is a writer, DJ (as TeeMoney), and publisher of food zine California Eating. We asked her to make a mix of some...

Marc Almond speaks on Soft Cell, his new album, and life in Moscow

It’s 2019: do you know where your little art, fashion, and music freaks are? At Sex Cells, of course, a traveling genre- and gender-fluid...

Lesbian history finally takes center stage in ‘The Daughters’

The first act of The Daughters, a comedy by Patricia Cotter (at the San Francisco Playhouse through November 2), imagines the Daughters of Bilitis’ first meeting...

‘Disasterama!’ chronicles SF’s wild, lost queer underground

A certain queer generation has come of memoir age—which is a bit bracing (read: terrifying) for those of us who survived the '80s and...

With ‘Gialloween II,’ Italian horror classics splatter the Roxie

The week before Halloween, the Roxie is reviving a series inaugurated two years ago with the seasonally-appropriate Gialloween II—a showcase for four vintage Italian...

A ‘Macbeth’ that’s equal parts murder and music

Among the many, many disasters of the Trump regime is its failure to give us a satisfying Lady Macbeth. Granted, Trump himself is no...

Navigating gender’s fluidity in a sea of apps with ‘#femMASCULINE’

When San Francisco artist Kevin Seaman walked into the Lone Star or other similar LGBTQ spaces dressed as his outspoken and cartoonishly hyperfeminine drag...